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Free CHF 0.- per month

  • 2 active ads
  • Booster promotion

  • Push up CHF 3.-
  • Highlight CHF 25.-
  • In the gallery CHF 30.-
  • All in one CHF 50.-
  • 5 active ads
  • Weekly notification about active ads

Silver CHF 8.95 per month

  • 10 active ads
  • Booster promotion

  • Push up
    CHF 2.70 (-10%)
    instead of CHF 3.-
  • Highlight
    CHF 22.50 (-10%)
    instead of CHF 25.-
  • In the gallery CHF 30.-
  • All in one
    CHF 45.- (-10%)
    instead of CHF 50.-
  • 10 active ads
  • Weekly notification about active ads
  • Surf ad free

Gold CHF 54.95 per month

  • Unlimited active ads
  • Booster promotion

  • Push up
    CHF 2.25 (-25%)
    instead of CHF 3.-
  • Highlight
    CHF 18.75 (-25%)
    instead of CHF 25.-
  • In the gallery CHF 30.-
  • All in one
    CHF 37.50 (-25%)
    instead of CHF 50.-
  • 20 active ads
  • Weekly notification about active ads
  • Surf ad free
  • Logo & Microsite
    You get your own microsite with an overview of your contact details.
  • Upload ads batch CSV
  • Connection of an ERP system via the Velomarkt API